1355 Beverly Road Suite 325 McLean, VA 22101


What is a VI Peel? What Benefits and Side Effects You Should Know About?

Young woman in a beauty salon. The beautician makes a facial cleansing procedure

The chemical peel product VI Peel from the business Vitality Institute is revolutionary. It is a one-stop shop for most minor skin problems, such as acne, uneven skin tone, rough texture, small scars, sun spots, fine lines, and shallow wrinkles. What exactly is a VI Peel, and what are its benefits and side effects?

What is the VI Peel?

One of the latest and most well-known chemical peels to emerge in the cosmetics and beauty industries is the VI Peel. Due to the approach’s effectiveness and little downtime, it is receiving a lot of attention. It is a cure-all therapy used to treat acne, scars, fine lines, wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation, and more. The Vitality Institute is the company that created the VI Peel. Despite requiring little downtime and causing very little discomfort, the VI Peel is highly effective because of the synergistic combination of active chemicals, minerals, and pain-numbing substances. The active components of VI Peel remove old collagen and elastin, dead skin cells, and other impurities from the skin (hence the peeling action). The skin’s reparative, regenerative, and rejuvenating actions are triggered by the minerals instilled into it. The substances that block pain make the entire process virtually painless.

The Different Types of VI Peel

The Original VI Peel targets keratosis pilaris, rough texture, and early aging symptoms. The VI Peel Advanced addresses loose skin, stretch marks, fine lines, and wrinkles. Meanwhile, the VI Peel Precision Plus targets pigment issues such as melasma, sun damage, and discoloration. The VI Peel Purify targets oily skin and aggressive acne. Additionally, acne, hyperpigmentation, and acne scars are all addressed by the VI Peel Purify with Precision Plus. Your skin will feel pleasant while the VI Peel is applied to it and while it peels off. There is minimal downtime, and benefits become apparent in 7 days.

The Benefits of the VI Peel

VI Peel offers an all-around improvement of skin health and appearance. Here are a few specifics of its benefits.

Better Skin Texture

The VI Peel solution exfoliates the skin’s outermost layer while boosting collagen and elastin synthesis. Those two proteins are essential for the skin to have the ideal structure. The amount of healthy collagen and elastin in the skin determines how smooth and firm it is.

Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles

The prevention of fine lines and wrinkles is another benefit of having enough collagen and elastin. The skin becomes more prone to lines and wrinkles due to the loss of collagen and elastin.

Combats Acne

Due to its rich component profile, the VI Peel is a fantastic chemical peel option for acne breakouts. The VI Peel solution has chemicals that lessen oil production, eliminate germs, unclog pores, remove dead skin cells, and relieve inflammation—all of which are factors in acne outbreaks. The skin is thoroughly cleansed with the VI Purify Peel. For people with oily skin or acne-prone skin, it is the ideal VI Peel treatment. The VI Purify Peel is founded on the original VI Peel but contains additional specific components, just like the two prior VI Peel variations. The additional unique chemicals help to cleanse the pores by killing the germs that cause acne and promoting cellular turnover. Along with treating and preventing breakouts, VI Purify Peel also lessens the visibility of acne scars. Additionally, unlike other acne treatments, this one is safe to use even when experiencing an acne breakout.

Fights Cancerous Skin Cells

The original VI Peel also has the advantage of assisting in the elimination of precancerous cells prior to their full-blown hazard. The procedure accomplishes this by peeling off dead skin cells, including potentially cancerous ones.

Deep Exfoliation

The VI Advanced Peel variation is based on the original formula. Still, it includes additional vitamins A and C, potent substances that can alter the skin for the better. The VI Advanced Peel is 25% more effective because the added vitamins provide even deeper exfoliation. The VI Precision Plus Peel’s more effective chemicals provide deeper skin exfoliation for a more balanced skin tone and texture. The more effective exfoliation method is best for skin that has been severely sunburned, hyperpigmented, or melasma.

Other Benefits of VI Peel

VI Peel contains ingredients that render the treatment virtually painless. Additionally, the treatment cleans, repairs sun damage, improves skin elasticity, fights keratosis, and treats signs of aging. The treatment is minimally invasive and suitable for all skin types, even sensitive ones. You can expect the results of the treatment to fully manifest themselves within a week of having the treatment.

Side Effects of the VI Peel

There is a small chance that the critical components of chemical peels, in general, could result in unfavorable side effects, though they are not common. The following are some potential negative consequences of chemical peels:

  • Swelling
  • Itchiness
  • Burning sensation
  • Blistering
  • Infections due to bacteria, fungi, or viruses
  • Scarring
  • Cardiac arrhythmia is a potential result of phenol-based chemical peels
  • Nausea, tinnitus, and shortness of breath are rare complications of salicylic-based chemical peels

Chemical peel side effects are more likely to occur in people with darker skin tones and a history of scar formation. In light of this, a person should speak with their medical provider about potential side effects prior to receiving a VI peel. Depending on a person’s skin type and tone, the likelihood of suffering adverse effects may change.

How Does the Process Go?

Just thirty minutes are allotted for the procedure. The steps are as follows:

  • The provider will cleanse your skin of oil and grime.
  • Multiple layers of the VI Peel solution will be applied.
  • After each layer, there might be some tingling or numbness.
  • In around 4 hours, the patient will need to follow the post-peel instructions.
  • For best results, it is important for the patient to follow all the post-peel instructions.
  • Skin peeling usually occurs from day 3 to day 7 after the application of the Vi Peel.

Where to Get the VI Peel?

Birem M.D. Beauty & Wellness is the leading provider of VI Peel in Virginia. Contact us by phone at 703-712-7870 or by sending us a message through our contact form. You can find us at 1355 Beverly Road, Suite 325, McLean, Virginia, 22101.
